
Key Announcements and Updates

Tier 4 Restrictions - 31st December 2020

Thursday, December 31, 2020 by Ross Hammond BSc (Hons), MBCS, PGCE, MISM | COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update - From December 31st 2020 

As I am sure you all know, Gloucester (along with many other areas) has now been placed in Tier 4 from 31st December 2020. As such my regulator, the ISM, has stated that whilst limited in-person lessons are permitted in tiers 1 to 3, they are not permitted in tier 4, which is essentially a lockdown. 

Therefore in January, all lessons will be taught online, in the usual way. Fortunately, as the majority of students are taught online at the moment you won't notice a change and your lessons will continue as normal. However there are a few additional lesson spaces which have been released online to book now.